
  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

How Can I Speed Up My Orthodontic Treatment?

How long will I need braces? How long will I need Invisalign? As an orthodontic patient, there’s a good chance one of those questions has crossed your mind. Many people are hesitant to correct dental issues because of the time commitment that’s required. The good news is, there’s a way you can speed up your […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

Why Use an Orthodontist Not a Dentist

Dentists routinely recommend orthodontic treatment to their patients, particularly young patients whom they know are facing a lifetime of oral or even general health concerns. Most dentists will refer their patient to a qualified orthodontist, but some will offer to complete the treatment themselves. Due to the established relationship and trust, patients will sometimes proceed […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

Is Orthodontics Only About Aesthetics?

It’s a common question. People want to know if they need orthodontics for any medical reason or is the treatment purely for cosmetic reasons. Aesthetics is Big Part of Orthodontics There is no denying that in many cases orthodontics is only related to aesthetics. Most people are happy that there are no underlying oral health […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

How Do Braces Work?

How do braces transform crooked teeth into beautiful smiles? Pressure. Braces or Invisalign keep your teeth under constant pressure making them move. How Do Teeth Move? Unlike your bones, teeth are not set into specific places with ligaments, muscles, or other bones. Teeth are set into your jawbone, but are movable due to sitting inside of a […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

What Are Elastics for Braces?

Elastics are an important part of treatment for many people with braces. They are used to treat misaligned teeth  including an overbite, underbite, open bite and crossbite. The elastic bands work by applying additional force to certain areas of the mouth to move the teeth into the desired position. Wearing elastics can reduce the treatment […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

Do You Have Soft Teeth? How to Strengthen Teeth

Human teeth are designed to be tough, though a very small percentage of the population suffers from soft teeth. Whether or not you have soft teeth, there are some things you can do to improve the strength and health of their teeth.   What Causes Soft Teeth? Having weakened enamel is commonly the problem rather than […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

What to Expect When Getting Your Braces Off?

The day you have been waiting for is finally here: you’re getting de-bonded. Needless to say you’re ecstatic to get rid of you elastics, brackets and everything. As excited as your are, there are still some important things you need to do.  1. Set your appointment Now this might sound a little redundant, obviously you’re […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

What is an Overbite?

Overbites are the most common malocclusion in both children and adults. Although it sounds common, there are plenty of misconceptions about what constitutes an overbite, what causes an overbite and how it’s treated.  So let’s break everything down and start at the beginning: What is an overbite? What is an overbite? Overbites in particular, are […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

What is an Underbite?

Underbites, we all have a vague idea of what they are. But when it comes to their actual definition, what causes them and how they treated this isn’t as clear.  So let’s get the nitty gritty on what is an underbite, what can cause them and how they’re treated by an orthodontists.  What is an […]

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  • September 2, 2023
  • Century Medical Inc

What is a Deep Bite?

Patients seeking orthodontic treatment rarely report a “deep bite” or “overbite” as their primary concern. Typically, they are more concerned about crowding or crooked teeth. Many are surprised when their orthodontist explains the need to “open” their bite or “level” their lower arch. What is a deep bite? A deep bite is a malocclusion in which […]

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